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New Boomvies On Our Vimeo Channel

Vimeo is quite different from Youtube so you may run across some NSFW content hosted on Vimeo.com


An Incredible Story of Survival

The very fact this photo was taken is a miracle. Even crazier is the fact that Austin Hatch is on a basketball court taking a free throw in this photo. Click the Link to read a young man's tale of incredible sadness and triumphant survival.
Austin Hatch's Incredible Story

Imitation Inspiration Time Again Y'All!!! Vol. VII


Is Google Auto-Awesome Really? We Will Monetize Google's Auto-Awesome Always.

Yep. It happened again last night. The Artificially Ineptigent Algorerhythms at Google Plus overdubbed their music on a Tung & Gruv recording session video. What did they tell us to do with it?
Post it, monetize it, promote the hell out of it.


Here Is Your Chance 2 Make Out With Tung & Gruv! (make art w/ tung & gruv)

We stumbled across this FB page a little while ago and it seemed legit. Legit enough by our standards, so we decided to go ahead and promote it!
Click 2 Collaborate w/ Tung & Gruv!

In case you've never heard of/from Tung & Gruv here is a playlist of them. Being them. So they're looking for people 2 make out with!
Make art with?
Ok. Is it too late to change that title up there?

You're telling me Collaborate is NOT the same as Copulate?


A Few Photos From Saturday #Denver Urban Avengers #Eff CF!

We had a great time Saturday at the #DenverUrbanAvengers urban race to fight Cystic Fibrosis. 
Below are just a few of the photos we snapped. Love the smiles!